My conventional options are simple and based on the idea that getting to know each other is more the point than not.

The sweet spot? Let’s start with a cocktail or two, building that a little bubble that’s just us. Then we walk down the hall and shut the door, usually laughing, with the Do Not Disturb sign out. Now truly in our own world, satisfying pleasure can be created, followed by sweet afterglow. This is the escape you’ve been needing, a little rejuvenating me-time that’s tailor-made for the male psyche.

Even better? A lingering dinner, bonding over food, often getting to mutually experience dishes we haven’t had before. The exploration begins with pre-dinner cocktails, ending later with soft music and soft sheets, one light illuminating the room, city lights outside the window. Clocks don’t exist in this world at all, neither do co-worker’s interrupting phone calls, traffic, or much of anything to remind you of the usual daily grind.

Lunch just doesn’t hit the same way, though a getaway in the middle of the day still has appeal, precisely because you’re playing hooky from your desk and phone calls. And it’s early enough that whoever leaves first won’t have to battle traffic.

Moments of breathlessness are a fragile thing, anything more than a whisper and they vanish.

I’m based in Richmond

You can have me drive to you, of course.

If you’re in Richmond, an incall is available for any option and requires at least a week’s advance notice (and the dreaded hotel gap doesn’t exist here). Otherwise, you are responsible for booking a hotel room if one is needed. I cover that further in my Client Guide.

Please note that I do not begin later than 8pm. An evening already in progress doesn’t have to end at 8pm. On the other end of the clock, I prefer not to meet earlier than 10am.

Richmond and its closest suburbs are my home base. Short Pump, North Chesterfield, Glen Allen and downtown are all in easy reach for me.

If my driving time is more than 30 minutes one way, then it becomes a DriveMeToYou and a surcharge for time applies. Details are below my standard Richmond rates.

For the rest of 2024, I’ll be making a few day trips to the Raleigh area. If you’d like to know those dates, sign up for my NC Tours newsletter at the bottom of the page.

These trips aren’t a tour, so I won’t have a private space booked. If you want to catch me in Raleigh, contact me well in advance of my next travel date so we can plan. There’s no DMTY charge, but hosting is your responsibility. My rates remain the same.

RVA Rates


An investment in your me-time, an investment in my life. Boundless ROI for both of us, one hopes.

To Begin

two hours + cocktails


The perfect arrangement, IMO. Relaxation, connection, the right amount of privacy.



stay in


extra time?

+300 per hour

four hours +
a meal


Let’s be foodies. A real date, hopefully without nerves.



stay in


extra time?

+300 per hour

six hours (or more)


Suggest a fun, custom itinerary! Let’s do stuff!



stay in

Not the point.

extra time?

$250 per hour (beyond six)




Deposit: +300

Viriginia Beach


Deposit: +400



Deposit: +300

Washington DC


Deposit: +500

Raleigh/Durham, NC


Deposit: +500



Deposit: +500

You have a Q?

I might be able to provide you with an A. If not, the Client Guide probably covers it.

Deposits are required for all bookings to reserve your time. I don’t consider the time reserved until I receive the deposit. I cover deposits in more detail on the Client Guide.

The deposits for a DMTY are in addition to the regular deposit, as the travel fee is in addition to the regular rate.

As much advance notice as you can give, ideally a week or more. Shorter notice rarely works, under 24hrs never does. While my time is flexible, it usually can’t flex on short notice. I’ve always got plans, and do the same thing every night.

Spontaneity together is ideal, and preferred instead of a script. But the logistical steps to meet must be completed or we’ll never get to the truly fun part of this.

That means we eschew the cocktails or the meal (or any public time), and stay in the hotel room/your home/the RVA incall for the entire duration. I prefer our time to feel like an actual date, so I’m enticing you to relax and follow my lead.

Thank you for asking!

It varies. I tend to like champagne, and am currently back into Cosmopolitans, though not together.

I also like water very much, and strongly suggest having water in the room for both of us. I love Aqua Panna or Voss, but Fiji works just fine (the square bottle is easier for me to hold and not drop).

If you can find Voss Sparkling, you will become my favorite person, unless you only bring a single bottle because that’s just mean.

You’re not the wrong skin color, unless you’ve got a blistering sunburn (we should wait until you heal).

Similarly, if you’re old enough to buy a drink, you’re old enough. Be assured that I prefer you to be mentally and emotionally mature regardless of how many times you’ve circled the sun.

You may be too old if you’ve got one foot on a banana peel and the other in your grave, but please leave me in your will before you go.

I mention conversation a lot. It’s how we learn about each other, and when I ask a question of you I genuinely want to know. If you prefer impersonal and cheap, I might be more disconcerting [and expensive] than you want.

Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people.
Warren Buffett

News, of a sort

The RVA incall is a shared space, so it’s not always available, even with a week’s notice. Always understand that hotels might have to be Plan B for your schedule.

For those who want fetish/kink/BDSM/femdomme in Richmond, I can help you out. Foot worship is always a popular request and I offer foot-only sessions, in addition to classic domination fun. I’m very easy to find on the usual fetish and BDSM -related sites. I plan on focusing most of my energy on domination because it engages my creativity in a way that I’ve missed.

The Itinerary

What’s going on, and when. RVA announcements, and any touring news.

While I have no official tours scheduled, I will be visiting Raleigh about three more times in 2024/early 2025, should you wish to subscribe to the VA and NC Tours newsletter for those dates and details.